Special report: the boss please take basic social responsibility

Visitenterprise bosstoday,feelingvery deep,forsuch a bossfeel ashamed,let meseewhy mostChineseenterprisesare not fundamentalreasonrespect and recognitionof the people of the world.In order to maketheenterprisemore dignityChinadisplayin front of the world,Iopen upenterprise interviewseriesI report,together with the friends in the industryto explore,perhapswant to be bossfriendsome help and enlightenment.

Each of usis very clear: as a business,the contribution to the societyin particular,this ismanybossesrespectedplace.However,asa business owner,somesocial responsibility shouldnotresignasrighteousness,not put theblame on thestateof their own.Today,Chen,influence ofleft mevery deep,she put the"enterprise is unable tohealthy development,employee moralloss" the responsibility ofallsaid to be ourcentral government"corruption" in,is really a big joke.In fact,we Chinese peopleattach great importance to"shapeand the inheritanceof social morality,family virtue andoccupationmoral".So,as a boss,in the management oftheir ownenterprises at the same time,it can put the"occupationmoraleducation"theresponsibilitytogether,sharing for the country,as far asour responsibilityforChineseeducation?China"Sandeeducation",needs the social,family andall walks of lifewillmake all-out efforts,only everybody topay attention toand support the"Three VirtuesEducation",our nationwillhave real hope.Do not because of hisnot righteousness,notmoralleaddueresponsibilityto followto the motherland andour political parties.
